Al.eF Photonics offers consulting in Fluid Dynamics based on a Computational Fluid Dynamics approach. Almost all viscous flows can be described by the Stokes-Navier equations. Modern CFD applications are based on this set of equations for simulating the interaction of fluids with solid surfaces defined by boundary conditions. However, even with the fastest computers available, CFD applications can reach only approximate solutions. Specialized on Cosmos FloWorks platform and for common applications, our design team is improving the accuracy of solutions by using validation tests. For more complex applications, we recommend a combination of computational - experimental approach for achieving design specific targets. Specific applications include:
- Heat Transfer Optics / Electronics Applications. Thermal Optimization. Steady-State and Transient Transfer. Steps considered: Model preparation, computational fluid domain, heat sources, solid materials and fan definitions, boundary conditions. Engineering goals definition, convergence criteria. Simulation solutions: Flow trajectories, cut plots, surface plots. Heat sink geometry optimization. Validation test.
- Laminar and turbulent flows in pipes and between plates.
- Flow simulation over heated flat, cylindrical and spherical surfaces.
- Flow simulation in impellers and turbines.
- Hydrodynamic and aerodynamic bearings.
